A Portrait of a Pregnancy

My personal journey building our family.

29 Weeks


My gorgeous girl


Look at this bump grow!!


Feeling lovely after maternity pictures


Times like this are so precious and fleeting…I’m already missing it.


I love kissing this girl ❤


A picture with both of my babies!!


Grow baby grow!!


She really does call me Jenna sometimes…

How far along? 29 weeks 1 day
Total weight gain: I would like to say that its unknown because I don’t care — but really I don’t know how to charge our scale, so I’m relying on the doctors office — which is proving to shock me at every visit. 😦
Maternity clothes? Today I’m wearing an outfit I wore when I was 31 weeks pregnant with Aria.  I’ve gone through the items I thought would last a bit longer, this little guy just seems bigger than Aria, but it could just be me LOL.
Stretch marks? not much since last time
Sleep: I had a bizarre dream yesterday where baby boy was definitely close to full term, and he was trying to just push himself out of my body Alien-style.  You could see his face pressing out of my stomach, and I had this feeling he didn’t want to be close to me anymore.  I woke up terrified he wouldn’t be cuddly and snuggly like Aria was.
Best moment this week: This weekend is Mother’s Day, so Muffins with Mom at Aria’s preschool was a lot of fun.  We played with the kids and got to have a snack picnic style in the classroom.  They interviewed the kiddos and assisted them in making mugs for us. Also, we met with our maternity/newborn photographer and while we were trying to schedule a date, we realized we had the weather, Brian’s travel schedule, and my growing bump to contend with.  It was a lovely day that day, and our photographer looked at her schedule and said “You guys free at 6:30pm tonight?”  We were, and though short notice, we had enough time to get dolled up for a photo shoot that evening.
Miss Anything? It’s sad that I miss my waistline…but I do. I guess I thought I would be better this time around, and I worked out for several weeks after the nausea passed, but with our trip in Europe, and then the subsequent move, I just haven’t had the time, and of course I feel guilty about it.
Movement: Baby baby is all about the kicks these days.
Food cravings: chewy things
Anything making you queasy or sick: Only when I eat too much
Gender: Boy
Labor Signs: Just a few braxton hicks every now and then.
Symptoms: nesting and cleaning constantly, irritable, back hurts, fatigue, lack of patience
Belly Button in or out? half in?
Wedding rings on or off?  on! I sized up when I got my new ring 😉
Emotions: moody and irritable or calm — no in between
Looking forward to: checking out the end results of our maternity pictures.
Comment of the week: nothing thankfully.
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28 Weeks + 3 Days


How far along? 28 weeks and 3 days
Total weight gain: 24 lbs
Maternity clothes? I was relying heavily on my LaLuRoe Leggings and the one pair of maternity jeans I got nearly 15 weeks ago. The sun is finally coming out and I finally get to  wear my maxi dresses too. We have moved two times since January, and we are finally into a place we believe will will be for the next 15+ years.  All my pre-baby clothes are in storage in the guest bedroom and my wardrobe is minimal as this will be our last baby. I’m trying to pick tops I can wear after baby is here as that was more difficult on me mentally than the baby weight.
Stretch marks? not really — a few by my bellybutton
Sleep: I’m exhausted most of the time.  I haven’t  been sleeping well because I’m uncomfortable and have to pee all the damn time because baby is squishing my bladder.
Best moment this week: The sun is finally out!! Also Aria let me nap the other day and while I was sleeping she made me a magazine to read.
Miss Anything? While I’m still in a state of disbelief that we were lucky enough for this little soul to pick us as parents, completely full of gratitude and amazement, I’m done feeling so big and I really just want a beer.
Movement: Baby moves a lot — feels more like stretching rather than kicking.
Food cravings: Pickles and beeonhald inr and veggie burgers
Anything making you queasy or sick: Not really thankfully
Gender: We found out in January we are having a baby boy – the blood test was confirmed by the 20 week ultrasound in March – so looks like we will end up with one of each. I had hoped for two girls, but I know this little boy chose us to be his mommy and daddy and we will do anything to make sure we are the best we can be for him.
Labor Signs: Nope.
Symptoms: stress acne by my mouth, nesting and cleaning constantly, irritable, back hurts, need to wear my belly band, fatigue, lack of patience
Belly Button in or out? half in?
Wedding rings on or off?  on! I sized up when I got my new ring 😉
Emotions: moody and irritable or calm — no in between
Looking forward to: my baby shower Jessica is throwing for me 🙂
Comment of the week: Not one comment, but I’ve had a lot of people commenting that I seem bigger than when they last saw me.  I feel bigger — and from my previous experiance I know I have some more growing to do.
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week 27

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week 26


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week 25

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week 24



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week 23

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week 22+3


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week 21

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week 20


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