A Portrait of a Pregnancy

My personal journey building our family.

38 Weeks


Trying to stay cool during the Camas Car Show…


Such a bump ❤


Life with a 4 year old…stuffed animals being hung from the banisters


Michaels Craft Camps are keeping us occupied this summer


The kids in the neighborhood paint rocks to hide for each other which then lead me to create this


“I know you miss Disneyland mama, so I drawded you a picture of Disneyland with fireworks.”


In anticipation of visitors we added a bed in Aria’s playroom (the frame is on its way)


I finally got Aria’s bedroom completely finished…she still doesn’t sleep in here.



It took me 4 years to finally get around to doing this, but I’m glad its done. 🙂

How far along? 38 weeks
Total weight gain: unsure…I was told today that I looked small for being 38 weeks…which I’m chalking up to the fact that I was wearing all black ;).  I was feeling extra cute, so I totally appreciated it.
Maternity clothes? I have a few things that still fit…I’m carrying so far in front that a lot of shirts are much too short and my belly peeks out.  Aria is my angel and lets me know if a shirt doesn’t fully cover me.  LOL.
Stretch marks? Yep.
Sleep: I’m sleeping all right I suppose.  I’ve been waking up several times in the night with pretty bad braxton hick contractions (I’m assuming) that are quite unpleasant.  Last night I was pretty delirious, and was going to start timing them but then passed out until morning.
Best moment this week: We scheduled the c-section, but to keep things a little mysterious, I’m keeping this all important date to myself. 🙂  Aria went to music class for the first time today and really enjoyed herself.  Apparently it is “the best school EVA!!”
Miss Anything? Having an end date in sight means that I spend every kick marveling at the fact that we will have a new little baby in the house in just a short matter of time.  I don’t have the time to waste missing things.  We aren’t 100% certain we are “done,” but we also aren’t 100% certain we will have another.  I’m approaching this baby as our last, and we will see what the future holds for us.
Movement: The movements are so much more exhausting for me, as he’s getting bigger and there just isn’t much room left for the little guy.
Food cravings: Not really.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Feeling okay at this point…still on the Prilosec
Gender: Boy
Labor Signs: Braxton Hicks throughout the day and night,
Symptoms: The nesting urge is still there but the energy to do so is waning.  If I over extend myself I end up geting pretty bad BH contractions, and have to lay down.
Belly Button in or out? out
Wedding rings on or off? Still on
Emotions: Excited and happy
Looking forward to: Holding our little boy in my arms
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37 Weeks


Yes…this dog is wearing sunglasses in Downtown Camas at the First Friday Event, “Dog Days of Summer.”


Bella got to go on our Friday outing…she was very well behaved! Dad is keeping it together like a champ while little one losses her shit over her ice cream having the audacity of melting in the 90 degree heat.


….aaaannnnd we’re good.


This was about an hour after the ice cream fiasco…sweet girl. She had such a long day.

How far along? 37 weeks
Total weight gain: 38 lbs — I’m working out nearly daily on the elliptical and I feel really good…so I’m not concerned.
Maternity clothes? Day dreaming about packing them all up and taking them to the consignment shop.
Stretch marks? Yes, quite a few actually and a very faint line of nigera.  I’m a tiger! Grr.
Sleep:I had an appointment to meet with a surgeon today and was evidently a little nervous about it, so I slept like total crap last night.  I didn’t fall asleep until around 2am, and woke up at 5:30am…trying to force myself to go back to sleep, and then I gave up and went downstairs for my workout around 6:30am.
Best moment this week: Watching Aria do her tumbling class at the Parks and Recs center was truly so enjoyable.  She was so excited to get out there and walk on the balance beams and be “rolly polly.”
Miss Anything? I’m already feeling nostalgic about this pregnancy.  I’m trying to come to terms with the thought that this will be our last baby.  The pro’s of stopping at this point outweigh the cons, but I’m not entirely sure I’m 100% ready to make that a permanent reality.
Movement: His movements are getting more uncomfortable, and can be quite dramatic.  He doesn’t prefer to sleep at night, and likes to keep mommy awake wiggling around and making it difficult to find a comfortable position in order to sleep.
Food cravings: not really actually
Anything making you queasy or sick: Taking my prilosec still and feeling pretty good.
Gender: Boy
Labor Signs: Braxton Hicks, energy increases
Symptoms: Nesting
Belly Button in or out? Still out for a while
Wedding rings on or off?  its still on!!
Emotions: moody and irritable or calm — no in between
Looking forward to: Apparently my surgeon does c-sections during the 39th week…so I have at most 20 days left to be pregnant for the rest of my life.
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36 Weeks


Driving back home from Nonna and Uno’s (don’t worry we were in the driveway)


Baby August’s hospital wardrobe!


Happy 4th! (I seriously hate this holiday…its much too hot and loud!)


Aria’s learning to take pictures while I’m reading up on How to Talk so Kids will Listen and How to Listen so Kids Will Talk.


Me and my goofball having a grand time at the cafe


My life at this point…


Aria’s drawing of mommy with Baby August in my tummy.

How far along? 36 weeks
Total weight gain: 35 lbs…I weighed less at this appointment than at my previous one, which tells me that the scale was mis-calibrated (the nurse confirmed).  So annoying, but whatever.
Maternity clothes? Really looking forward to wearing my nursing clothes…and selling all my maternity clothing at the local consignment shop.
Stretch marks? That light brown line of nigera is ever darkening, but I feel like it wont ever be as dark as it was with Aria for whatever reason.  I have some crazy tiger stripes happening, and I couldn’t be prouder.
Sleep: I can’t stay asleep, and I’m trying to avoid sleep aids which make me SUPER groggy the next day…though it seems I’m at that point where that is entirely unavoidable.  I went to sleep last night around 1:30 and woke up around 6, bright eyed and bushy tailed, so I sneaked downstairs (because Aria sleeps next to me), and did a nice workout.  By the time the family was up and we had breakfast, my body was like “okay nap time.”  Brian had wanted a family outing but getting me off the couch proved to be mission impossible, so he took Aria into the city for doughnuts and the jazz music festival and I got to stay here and crash on the sofa indulging on Great British Bake Off and dreaming of the energy to get into the kitchen to bake.
Best moment this week: It’s been a good week and I can’t really think of anything that stands out, but I did start packing my hospital bag and thats been really fun, and makes me feel like I’m in control of my life just a bit.  Also, Freshly Picked came out with a kickstarter for a diaper bag and I backed it, so I’m excited to get my gorgeous new diaper bag sometime this fall!!
Miss Anything? I feel like the name of the game for my first pregnancy was deprivation, and I always felt like I was missing out on something.  This time around if I want it, I allow myself to have it (within reason).  So, I don’t feel deprived of anything.  Perhaps I miss getting out of bed without my back hurting, or feeling like an upside down turtle.  The nice part of being pregnant for the second time is that I don’t feel so fragile.  I was so afraid of hurting baby even getting out of bed “wrong” — like I could detach the placenta or whatever, but this time around, I’m not so worried about that, so that’s definitely a blessing.
Movement: He moves a lot now, which I feel is telling us that he’s running out of room.  Sometimes his movements are so uncomfortable they knock the wind out of me, and I have to stop whatever I’m doing to just breathe.  Apparently though hes NO WHERE CLOSE to wanting to leave, his head is still super high and my cervix is sealed shut.
Food cravings: tofu bbq and arnold palmers
Anything making you queasy or sick: As long as I take my prilosec, I’m good.
Gender: Boy
Labor Signs: Just a few braxton hicks every now and then, plus a little pelvic pressure
Symptoms: nesting and cleaning constantly, irritable, fatigue, lack of patience
Belly Button in or out? I think its out, but I cant see it because of how I’m carrying, so I dont care lol
Wedding rings on or off? Its on, but is hard to remove when I get all swollen
Emotions: I like to think I’ve been pretty chill…especially because husband has been picking up the house and we got a house cleaner to come by to help out as well.
Looking forward to: holding our little boy
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35 Weeks



Pre-Show Jitters and Makeup from Auntie Kiki



Love this girl


My feet are so swollen…



Taking the pups out for a walk


Daddy and Aria swinging


My shower cake!


which is bigger?


The adorable big sister!!


Aria’s Dougal cake!



I didn’t get many pictures from the shower.



Aria and friends were making a “princess bed”


My little helpers


Aria and crew enjoying her cake


My lovely 35 week bump


Happy 20th Anniversary Harry Potter!!


Daddy met a wizard while he was in New York City and she sent a baby owl to Aria using Owl Express.


Aria “maded” daddy a rainbow — she’s excited he’s home.

How far along? 35 weeks

Total weight gain: still enjoying the every other week appointments, and our Aria scale seems like it has bit the dust, so we will see at our next appointment.
Maternity clothes? Growing out of them so fast, but I got to wear my blue Asos maternity dress for my baby shower and felt adorable.
Stretch marks? Yep…and I also have this amazingly huge ass vein on the underside of my belly.
Sleep: I’ve been waking up quite a bit, about 3-4 times a night to pee. 😦
Best moment this week: My baby shower!  It was a lot of fun, if not super warm.  My feet turned into round balls — no joke.  I literally had no ankles and nothing defining my toes. It was nice to be surrounded by so many friends and family who are just as excited for us as we are.
Miss Anything? No way am I going to wish I was pre-pregnancy, but I’m getting a little antsy for it to be over…just a little.
Movement: There is movement every day, especially in response to Aria talking.  He also headbutts my cervix quite often, which is extremely painful and knocks the wind out of me.
Food cravings: arnold palmers and peanut butter
Anything making you queasy or sick: The Zyrtec wasn’t working very well, so I was prescribed Prilosec.  I forgot to take it yesterday and suffered all day and all night.  I took it this morning, and still needed tums to feel a little better.  I wont make that mistake again!
Gender: Boy
Labor Signs: Just a few braxton hicks every now and then.  I’m getting convinced that he’s going to want to enter the world earlier than I anticipate.
Symptoms: Nesting a lot…I’m running out of things to organize, but I have a few drawers — I just need to make a run to Homegoods to get some organizers.
Belly Button in or out? Still out
Wedding rings on or off?  Its still on — it only gets stuck when its super hot outside and I don’t stay in my air conditioned house.
Emotions: Weepy and grumpy
Looking forward to: Brian not traveling anymore >{

look at that vein!

US 1US 2

US 3

ugh so adorable!!


The adorable big sister!!


which is bigger?

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34 Weeks


Practicing the strawberry cake recipe for Aria’s Birthday


And she helped!


Last dance class of the season — we probably will take up gymnastics next year.


She really enjoyed this book and we read it in one night. Apparently, though, chapter books are “too boring — why do they keep talking about everything they are seeing?”


Went on a date with this little girl to see Cars3!!


Her outfit of the day. She wanted to look like a super star!


Happy Father’s Day B!


All snuggled up after her bath.



Morning bikeride before school.


34 weeks and 4 Days


How far along? 34 weeks
Total weight gain: I was weighed in on a different scale this time, and it put me at 35 lbs gained…so 6.5 lbs gained in 2 weeks?  I honestly don’t believe it, and I’m pretty sure that one of the scales is off, otherwise that would be concerning.  I mean I did have biscuits and gravy twice on our trip to Bend, but comeon!
Maternity clothes? A lot of my tops are getting to be a bit too short, and I have stolen one of Brian’s undershirts for bedtime (which isn’t exactly all that much more roomy).  I’m thinking of grabbing a pack of men’s undershirts in a larger size — because they are so soft and comy — for pj’s to finish up this pregnancy.  Even though my options are becoming a bit limited, its hard to imagine purchasing anything else, as this is our last babe, and my last baby bump.  I just need to stay on top of the laundry. 😉
Stretch marks? I have noticed that there are a wide assortment of tiger stripes on my stomach.  You would think it would be bothersome, or at least I thought I would be bothered by them, but I’m not.  Not yet, at least.  I also just noticed a line of nigra yesterday…its very faint and short, but its there.
Sleep: So the past two nights I have taken a Tylenol PM at 7:30, part of our bedtime routine with Aria.  She goes to sleep around 8:30, and I do too. 🙂 Taking Tylenol PM that early means that I get plenty of sleep before Aria wakes up at 6:30 or so.  Though I’m far from sleeping through the night, and woke up 4 times or so to go to the bathroom.
Best moment this week: This morning after breakfast Aria suggested that we get dressed, and she could ride her balance bike before school.  She rediscovered it yesterday and shes now tall enough where it doesn’t seem as intimidating.  She was very proud of herself riding in the park outside our house, and I’m excited that soon we will be able to go on bike rides as a family.
Miss Anything? I can’t say that I am right now.
Movement: He’s been moving steadily.  I wish he would move more, as each time he moves I let out a sigh of relief.
Food cravings: Arnold Palmers
Anything making you queasy or sick: I can’t have too many carbs — especially large pieces of bread and larger portions of pasta.  The thought of pasta actually makes me feel pretty queasy, which is super unfortunate, since its Aria’s favorite meal.
Gender: Boy
Labor Signs: I’m getting braxton hicks every single day, to where I have to stop whatever I’m doing immediately to alleviate the pressure.
Symptoms: I’m a bit more exhausted but I also have a bit more energy.  Its bizarre.  I suppose I can say its mental exhaustion, and I just don’t have the energy for drama or whining.  But I have energy for nesting.  I cleaned out the craft closet which literally looked like someone was going to be injured, as everything was in there so precariously.  Its shocking that I ever had a closet that unorganized.  Not anymore!  Yesterday morning I woke up at 6am, and went downstairs and immediately started cleaning the windows.  I was able to clean all the inside windows downstairs, and cleaned the outside windows in the front of the house, and partially on the back of the house.  I’ll need to get the window cleaning spray attachment for the hose if I really want to get all the outside windows, as even though our house is one of the smallest in the neighborhoods, it’s still much larger than we have had before.
Belly Button in or out? Its sticking out still — naturally.
Wedding rings on or off?  Its still on miraculously.  The air conditioning really helps with the swelling, and I can’t say I have been swollen a lot.  Maybe 3 or 4 times this pregnancy to a point where the swelling makes me unable to move my joints comfortably.
Emotions: moody and irritable or calm — no in between
Looking forward to: Aria’s FIRST dance recital (and perhaps last LOL!) and my baby shower/Aria’s early birthday celebration this coming weekend.
Comment of the week: Can’t think of anything anyone has said in the past week that is noteworthy.  I guess that’s a good thing 😉
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33 Weeks


Feeling better at Urgent Care — and enjoying getting a check up


Trying to get comfy lol


This girl loves her daddy.


Our little bee keeper at preschool1


Bella enjoying the ranch.


Not a bad view.


This little girl is so snuggly!


Matching Daddy and Daughter hiking shoes!


Workin’ it!


Aria’s first round of putt putt golf!



A new river otter friend


Checking out the Lava Butte




How far along? 33 weeks
Total weight gain: hopefully not much since last week 😉
Maternity clothes? of course.  I’m kinda getting sick of them to be honest — and really getting excited to meet this little one.
Stretch marks? Still haven’t seen the line of nigra.  I guess women who have fair skin tend to not have this occur…but I had a very pronounced line with Aria.
Sleep: Still not sleeping all that well…waking up way too often during the night due to my squished bladder as well as little girls and their bad dreams.
Best moment this week: Brian is going to be gone for Father’s Day so we went to Bend, OR for a few days to celebrate.  We stayed at a Ranch about 15 minutes outside of town complete with horses, lamas, and chickens with our dogs.  It was a relaxing two days, and Brian got to go on his first hike with Aria, which I believe he thoroughly enjoyed.  He was pretty stoked she got her first pair of hiking shoes.
Miss Anything? Honestly, while I love being pregnant (these cravings are awesome and feeling this little one move is truly magical), its really hard gaining weight.  I’m grateful that Brian had the foresight to ensure we got the pictures done sooner in this pregnancy than later, as he remembers how miserable I was at the end of my last pregnancy.  The swelling has started, and honestly it isn’t a good look on me.  I suppose I miss looking “cute” in my own opinion.
Also, we had a scary event happen where Aria choked on a piece of hard candy.  She must have had an angel looking out for her, because it happened in the car when I was sitting next to her and not in the passenger seat, and we happened to stop just mere feet from a police officer.  I truly believe that Judy is her guardian angel, and I believe Judy leaves me feathers to let me know shes here.  My encounter with feathers have been unlike anything I’ve ever seen before her passing.  As the EMT  were checking Aria out, a green feather gently floated down onto my stomach.  Aria fortunately was okay, and we have outlawed hard candy permanently in the Kane household, but it was terrifying and I spent the entire day afterwards replaying the event, hearing my own voice screaming, “Help!!” as I frantically tried to dislodge the candy from my terrified little girl.  Its bizarre to go from something so terrifying to a family vacation just mere days later, but such is life.  While in Bend, Aria named her new stuffed river otter she got at a natural history museum “Feather” without me saying anything about Judy and feathers.  Needless to say, the connection runs deep, in my opinion.  I say it a lot in my mind, but thank you Judy for taking care of our little girl.  This wasn’t the first time where I know Judy was there for us, and I know it wont be the last.
Movement: He’s been pretty steady with his movement, and I’m able to go a kick count every day.  He certainly doesn’t move as much as his sister did, so I’m always looking out for his movement.
Food cravings: VINEGAR and veggie burgers and fresh fruit still
Anything making you queasy or sick: Only when I don’t take Zyrtec — I now have to take it twice a day to keep my meals down.
Gender: Boy
Labor Signs: Braxton hicks seem to occur every day.
Symptoms: nesting and cleaning constantly, irritable, back and hips hurt slightly, fatigue, lack of patience
Belly Button in or out? out lol…it looks like a nose!!
Wedding rings on or off?  its still on — but the swelling is making it fit a bit more snug.
Emotions: moody and irritable or calm — no in between
Looking forward to: my baby shower in one week!
Comment of the week: “You are 33 weeks already?! You look so good!”  Honestly people, if you want to make a pregnant lady walk on air, lie to her.  No seriously.  We look in the mirror and all we see are kankles, our breasts touching our stomach, our butt becoming wider and our thighs beginning to stick together, our faces breaking out and watching as we grow a couple of chins seemingly overnight — the VERY LAST THING we want to hear is “WOW!! Are you having TWINS??  You must be due SOOOOO SOON!  You look so swollen, you poor thing.”  No we want you to lie to us, and make us feel like we are the cutest, tiniest little pregnant lady you have ever seen.  Help us by drowning out that negative voice in our heads that battles with our shear gratitude of carrying this precious life inside of us.  BE OUR FUCKING VILLAGE OKAY?!
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32 Weeks



Smiley girl ❤


Fully embracing the lovely summer like weather


Dancing to some tunes at the First Friday Event.


Brushing a donkey!!!




Got our library cards today!!


OMG….BBQ tempeh is AMAZING.


While daddy is gone on business, the girls took a picnic to the park!

How far along? 32 weeks
Total weight gain: 28.5 lbs — 5.5 lbs more than I gained with Aria, but only a 1.5 more than at my last doctor’s visit.
Maternity clothes? You better believe it.  I’ve been collecting things that will work after baby gets here, and they are a little short in the front to wear now, but I know the current state I’m in is very temporary.  I tore one of the holes in my pair of distressed jeans quite a bit, so I patched it with a cute piece of Tula Pink fabric, and now I feel like I have a new pair of jeans!
Stretch marks? Although I’m an inch past where I should be (measuring 33″ instead of 32″), I feel like my body is compensating for a bigger baby, and the growth is purely staying in my stomach (unless I wear horizontal stripes across my butt and then my confidence is out of the window).  Anyways, in spite of that, I’m not noticing very many stretch marks…and I still haven’t seen the line of nigra.  I honestly can’t recall when I started getting that with Aria…I know I had one and it took almost two years to fade.
Sleep: The insomnia I’ve been dealing with has been a bit crazy.  I didn’t go to sleep until 2:30 last night (this morning).  I kept myself busy with filling frames with cute maternity pictures and working on Aria’s birthday party favors.  Since we moved from Aria’s friends, plus scheduling a c section around her birthday, we decided to have a two in one party during my baby shower a month early.  Something low key, but fun for her and her friends so they had a chance to play while the mom’s get to hang out.
Best moment this week: We have implemented a family tradition of talking about three things that made us happy/we are grateful for during each dinner, plus banned all screens during meal times.  Family rules make me feel so much more in control — and its nice to hear about how everyone’s day went, and to be focused on the positive rather than wallowing in the negative.
Miss Anything? I haven’t worked out since last week.  Kiki came to visit for a few days, and I didn’t want to waste time by working out.  I need to get back into my routine, but I keep thinking of other things I could be doing 😉
Movement: There was one day where baby didn’t move much, but other than that we have been getting some good steady movement.  There was a goodbye party for a neighbor on Saturday and August was moving so much that my stomach was hard as a rock, and I ended up passing out on the couch at home when I came back to make Aria a sandwich.  He also moves a lot when sister does tap class.  He doesn’t seem to enjoy the loud noises.
Food cravings: VINEGAR and veggie burgers and fresh fruit still
Anything making you queasy or sick: Only when I don’t take Zyrtec — I now have to take it twice a day to keep my meals down.
Gender: Boy
Labor Signs: Just a few braxton hicks every now and then.
Symptoms: nesting and cleaning constantly, irritable, back and hips hurt slightly, fatigue, lack of patience
Belly Button in or out? out lol…it looks like a nose!!
Wedding rings on or off?  its still on!!
Emotions: moody and irritable or calm — no in between
Looking forward to: my baby shower in two weeks!!
Comment of the week: “Oh wow! You have two months left?  Looks like you are all baby!” I swear I get the same comments verbatum…I would love to compare with other moms, this has to be normal…and its crazy.
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31 Weeks


Pretending she doesn’t know how to wear her ballet leotard!


Queen Elsa from Disneyland came to visit — unfortunately, I don’t know where Aria was so she didn’t get to meet her!!


My cute girl waiting for her strawberry milkshake.


She didn’t like the milkshake…it had strawberries in it.


Nurse Aria


How we keep ourselves entertained while we are shopping — pretending to be maniquins.


Look at that lovely baby bump!

How far along? 31 weeks
Total weight gain: once again, unknown
Maternity clothes? I‘m sure I could try wearing something that wasn’t, but at this point it would just be comical.  I feel like I wore tighter clothing the first time around.  I wanted to show off my bump, and was really proud of it.  Its not that I’m not this time around, its just that I realized today that I have been holding my breath, and I know I wont be able to breathe until I have my little guy in my arms.  I feel so vulgar wearing something tight, that shows off my bump too much.  I feel like I’m tempting fate.  We went through so much to get to this point, and at some level, I just feel like it could be snatched so easily from my grasp.
Stretch marks? It looks like I might be getting some more near my belly button — as if anyone’s going to ever see those. LOL
Sleep: I’m only waking up a few times at night to go to the bathroom, and I don’t feel utterly exhausted — emotionally tired, yes.  But physically, I have the energy to do more than I thought I would be able to do.  B’s job takes him away from us for days at a time, and honestly its wearing on me.  I realize I’m not a single mother.  I don’t have to go to work on top of being a mother, so I won’t even compare the two, but it’s still freaking hard.
Best moment this week: B got home on Monday from Atlanta, so Aria got to have her daddy take her to school a few times, which she loved.  We also got our blinds delivered, and B is currently hanging them as I work on this blog.  I finally broke down and went to the chiropractor on Wednesday, and I have been feeling a little better actually.  My chiropractor taught me a stretch to help with the sciatica, and remarkably it works!
Miss Anything? I miss doing things independently.  I’m feeling a little more fragile the further along I get.
Movement: Yes, all the time, which is lovely (mostly).
Food cravings: VINEGAR and veggie burgers and fresh fruit
Anything making you queasy or sick: Only when I eat too much
Gender: Boy
Labor Signs: Just a few braxton hicks every now and then.
Symptoms: nesting and cleaning constantly, irritable, back and hips hurt slightly, fatigue, lack of patience
Belly Button in or out? out lol…it looks like a nose!!
Wedding rings on or off?  its still on!!
Emotions: moody and irritable or calm — no in between
Looking forward to: Camtown Youth Festival in the beginning of June and the beginning of the Farmers Market the first Wednesday of June.
Comment of the week: “When I was a baby I wished for a mommy with a voice gentle and kind, and my wish came true!!”
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Maternity Pics (29 weeks)

I’ll just leave a few of these here…


View More: http://photosbyemj.pass.us/jennakaneView More: http://photosbyemj.pass.us/jennakaneView More: http://photosbyemj.pass.us/jennakaneView More: http://photosbyemj.pass.us/jennakaneView More: http://photosbyemj.pass.us/jennakaneView More: http://photosbyemj.pass.us/jennakaneView More: http://photosbyemj.pass.us/jennakaneView More: http://photosbyemj.pass.us/jennakaneView More: http://photosbyemj.pass.us/jennakaneView More: http://photosbyemj.pass.us/jennakaneView More: http://photosbyemj.pass.us/jennakaneView More: http://photosbyemj.pass.us/jennakaneView More: http://photosbyemj.pass.us/jennakaneView More: http://photosbyemj.pass.us/jennakaneView More: http://photosbyemj.pass.us/jennakane

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30 Weeks +3 Days


A perfect night in with my feet kicked up and enjoying a drinking vinegar.


Loving on her daddy at Preschool Prom


Aria and a friend at Preschool Prom


Enjoying a dip in the neighbor’s blowup pool.


Making some brownies for a neighborhood get-together.


YUM drinking vinegar!


Playing at Preschool Prom!


My little Rainbow ❤


And we are spent…


The lovely kiddos at Preschool made this and…what can I say, I had to have it!!

How far along? 30 weeks 3 days
Total weight gain: 29 lbs (yikes! I had only gained 22.6 lbs at this point with Aria)
Maternity clothes? Not only am I solidly in maternity clothes, I am sizing out of my maternity clothes.  I’m excited that Old Navy is having a 50% off sale today, so I will be able to snag some shorts, since I don’t have much to wear at this point.
Stretch marks? Really this isn’t the most important thing is it?  I can’t say that I have any new ones…but I’m also not looking for them.
Sleep: My body hurts so much that sleep is pretty uncomfortable without Tylenol PM…but it makes me super groggy in the morning, so its a calculated trade-off.  The sun rises in our windows at 5:30 am (which should be getting some blackout shades one of these days).  This morning I was able to push through until 8:30 (and we were late to preschool as a consequence) and it was divine.
Best moment this week: We went to Preschool Prom! It was full of laughter, and crying, and emotional eating of cookies — just like real prom.  It was really cute.  They had a silent auction, and I found out today I won a heart string art the kiddos made as well as a necklace one of the mommies made (Aria’s friend Ralphie’s mom Wendy). On Sunday we went to dinner at the James’ with all the neighbors and Aria got a chance to run around in the sprinklers and turn the blow up pool into a mud pit.  It was one of those moments where I hope they were able to build some memories.  I also got back into my workouts, and have been using the elliptical every other day.  Its really made me feel better.
Miss Anything? Other than my waist line, I miss being able to stand up without feeling three times my age.  My back and hips hurt so much, its excruciating.
Movement: Baby boy is transverse, which I guess is common at this point, but it makes me feel movement all over the place.
Food cravings: VINEGAR
Anything making you queasy or sick: Only when I eat too much
Gender: Boy
Labor Signs: Just a few braxton hicks every now and then.
Symptoms: nesting and cleaning constantly, irritable, back and hips hurt, fatigue, lack of patience
Belly Button in or out? half in?
Wedding rings on or off?  on! I sized up when I got my new ring 😉  The heat has been kicking up and I’m starting to swell up, my ring still fits, but we will see what happens.
Emotions: moody and irritable or calm — no in between
Looking forward to: printing and displaying our maternity pictures.
Comment of the week: my nurse said I looked adorable and like I have a basketball shoved in my dress…which was flattering.
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