A Portrait of a Pregnancy

My personal journey building our family.

Week 7!

Today is the first day of week seven.  Yes, we now know how far I am.  The ultrasound actually showed a heart (100 bpm) and indicated it was 6 weeks 1 day along.  The fetus was 4mm in size.  The technician at first told me that we probably wouldn’t see a heartbeat, but she was pleasantly surprised, and told me it probably had started beating the day before.  I have never had such happy tears.  Here is the baby’s first picture!


The yolk sac was still outside of its body, and the little heartbeat could barely be seen.  Next week I go in for another ultrasound, to ensure everything is moving along okay.

I have been rather surprised that the nausea really only kicks in right as I go to bed.  This past weekend was unpleasant, but nothing in comparison to even a bad hangover.  I’m just waiting for the morning sickness to really kick in.   One of the apps I have downloaded mentioned that its still a little early for morning sickness, that it starts up really in week 7.  So we’ll see.  I feel better today than I have felt for about a week.

Its starting to get a little harder to decide on what to wear in the morning.  My stomach is getting a little bloated, and I really dont like wearing anything too tight on top, especially since I am trying not to say anything to anyone at work.  Not yet at least.  Here is an example of an outfit I wore before I got pregnant and now.  (Pardon the dirty mirror!!)  As a positive…I’m not wearing a stich of makeup in the second picture…I have this feeling that this might be a girl.  My skin never looks this good.

Before (Early October):

photo (7)

After (Early December…aka week 7):

photo (6)

How long were you able to hide your pregnancy before your body spilled the beans?


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Week 7, Day Three

Today was the first time I had to go wine (water) tasting while knocked up.  It was actually a lot of fun, not feeling queasy the next morning.  Not trying to remember what happened/what I said the previous night.  I can’t say that I can complain.  Although the wine that we were picking up (we belong to the winery)had an AMAZING nose on it.

Still no word about the baby… patience its only Sunday.


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Week 7, Day 2

I got my second blood draw today.  After talking with the technician, it seems I will be able to get some answers, even if tentative ones, on Monday.  She told me to feel free to call the doctors office at any time.  And if I wanted, I could pick up my test results from the lab as well.  I’m thrilled!  Last night I went to the Macy’s sale, and picked up a few Maternity tops.  I got two which almost fit now…but make me look pregnant.  They are quarter length sleeve tees with rouched sides.  I also got a pretty white blouse and a nautical blue striped blouse.  I can’t wait to wear them!    Sure I’m being a little optimistic and shopping a little early, but I have to think that way for my mental health.  I just have a feeling its going to be great news next week, and I’m very excited that I get to have my DH home with me when I hear it.

I feel like he was a little cheated because he wasn’t home to witness the first pregnancy test.  He does admit that it is difficult to think of the baby as a NOW thing, because he can’t feel it, can’t see it, whereas I can.  I suppose that is the special bond a mother has with her child, that is irreplaceable.  Though, that isn’t to say that my DH won’t have a special bond with our child.  He will. It’s just different.  It just doesn’t start now.  Once this baby starts to kick, he will feel differently.


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Week 7, Day 1

I’m not entirely sure if I should continue on counting based on LMP date or gestational date.  Since I’m not positive of gestational date, yet, I am just going to keep up with the LMP dating system for now.  The positive thing is I get to make this pregnancy last longer.  And I was worried that it would pass way too quickly!

This morning while I was getting dressed, I grabbed my hot pink jeans and a black tee-shirt.  Pulling my shirt over my head, I was humored when it came down to my knees.  Instead of grabbing a shirt, I grabbed a dress.  Did I change?  Nope.  I just put on a pair of 5 inch platforms that matched and rocked it.  LOL.

Got to love mommy brain ❤


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Week 7

Today was my first OB appointment.  I was elated and dreading it a little.  I always get nauseous at the doctor’s office.  It has something to do with the sterile smells and the poor lighting and the disgusting bodily fluid talks.  I must confess, I hoped it would make me nauseous.  However, this hospital is brand spanking new (so new it doesn’t yet even have a blood lab…boo!), and I didn’t at all feel uncomfortable or feel like I was diseased or something.  First things first, they wanted my weight, the bastards.  Couldn’t they have weighed me…um 7 weeks ago??  It was certainly a shock to step on the scale and see that I gained 4 pounds since I got pregnant.  “Really?!” I can hear you asking.  Before you roll your eyes at me, my doctor confirmed my suspicions.  I might only be 4-5 weeks pregnant, because of my irregular periods.  It seems that pregnancy tests really are in fact pretty accurate, even when barely pregnant, which it seems that I am.  Let me remind you, I was on day 43 of my cycle when I tested…and I was probably JUST at the implantation stage.  Yay Thyroid disorders!!

I took my husband along as my security blanket.  I knew what to expect of course, the usual pelvic exam, a transvaginal ultrasound, etc.  My poor husband.  (Granted, that’s what you get when you decide you don’t care enough to research the condition your wife is currently in (bad hormones! bad!).)  Anyways.  I got to wear a cute little paper top and a paper sheet over my lap.  I warned him to move more to the side of me LOL.  The benefit of this though was to welcome him behind the curtain of this pregnancy, since we are in this together.  But also, my husband got to see the sac in the ultrasound, if not much of anything else.  It looked a little like this:

Early Pregnancy Ultrasound

Early Pregnancy Ultrasound

A little disappointed doesn’t really describe it.  Where are the fingers and the outline of the spine??  Where is my little blueberry?!  I have already read to seven weeks in my What to Expect book and on the internet…and now going back to Week 4/5, there isn’t much there in terms of a baby.  My doctor wants to monitor my blood for HCG increases, and for progesterone levels.  (Funny.  That’s why I wanted to get into the doctor before “week 8”.)  Of course, I can’t help but think worst case scenario.  Blighted ovum.  She told me there is in fact a 25% risk of miscarriage right now.  She was being honest, and says she sees it all the time.  I know that most women will wait a could of months, and boom they are pregnant again with a very healthy pregnancy.  She also said that also might not be the case, and I just am in fact not that far along, and am perfectly normal.  Only the blood work will tell.  Ultimately, I know that either way we will be fine.  I am pregnant and I am capable of becoming pregnant and that is fantastic.  But now, my pregnancy feels like it has a bit of a raincloud hanging over it.

According to a little more online research once  I got home, I am more comfortable saying that I am probably just only 4 weeks along (conceiving on August 9th), rather than something horrible.  I am trying to be positive and tell myself that everything is fine, I’m just a little earlier in my pregnancy than I thought.

I have two more draws, one on Saturday, and the next on Monday.  I hope that means I hear good news on Tuesday.  Meanwhile, what am I to think?  How many of you have had this happen?  How on earth do you get your mind off of it so you can focus on work, and the rest of your life?


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