A Portrait of a Pregnancy

My personal journey building our family.

Week 6, Day 7

Today I told my first co-worker.  Yes, yes, I wasn’t going to until I was done with this trimester.  But the baby brain made it so I had to give an explanation, if not an excuse.  You can only ask the same questions several times, before people begin to realize that you are being awfully forgetful.  Fortunately, I should be able to keep it quiet for a little while more.  For whatever reason, I’m just not ready to share my good news.  I have taken to wearing more flowy blouses, so that when I actually need the camouflage, it wont be seen as abnormal.

How long did you wait until you told your boss and co-workers?  Did you have any fears doing this, and were they realized?


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Week 6, Day 6

So most women at this stage complain about their morning sickness.  I have a confession to make, I haven’t experienced it.  I have the heightened smell, and a slight sour stomach.  But none of that is forcing me to run to the toilet.  Of course, like everything else, this concerns me.

Today was the first day after Labor Day, when all the doctors’ offices were finally open.  “Great!” I thought, “I’ll just call and set up an appointment with the midwife I saw a couple of months ago.  I’ll get in sometime this week, easy.”  Easy?!  What was I thinking? Wrong.

First off, the midwife left to go with another clinic — which wasn’t open today.  “Okay fine,” I told myself, “I’m not particular.  I just want to see someone and have them tell me that everything is normal, and my hypothyroid wasn’t going to hurt the baby.”  They informed me that they were booked solid until mid October.  .   .  No.  Not going to work.  At this point, I can start to feel myself becoming completely unglued.

I call my mother’s doctor’s office.  She has been with the same doctor for 29-years.  They don’t even want to see me until I’m at least 8 weeks along.  Really?  It’s the first time I heard anything like that in my research for a first OB appointment.  They schedule me for an appointment on September 18th.  I told them, “Hey I have thyroid issues and I would like to get some blood work done on my HCG and Thyroid levels before I come in for my appointment.  Just so that I know everything is normal.”  Since I’m not an established patient, they won’t allow it until I come in for the exam on the 18th.  Even after I tell them I will sign a records release waiver for them.  I’m pretty upset at this point.

Fine!  I call another doctor’s office close to home.  It’s just a Family Primary Care clinic, and they won’t be able to see me through the pregnancy, but they can run some blood tests at least.  They can’t see me until next Tuesday.  At least that’s something right?   Whatever.  I’m too pissed to even think straight.

The hormones. . . oh the hormones have convinced me that the doctors are trying to kill my baby.  They know I have hypothyroidism.  They know that can lead to miscarriages.  I don’t even have morning sickness!  What if. . . What if.  .  .    The anxiety I felt was sickening.  Even if irrational.

I did what I have been doing a lot with this pregnancy, sob on top of my dog and then call my mom.  She suggested that I find the hospital I want to give birth at, and then find a doctor affiliated with that hospital and see if that works.  It does.  Like a charm.  My first OB appointment is on Thursday of this week.  For my husband and me, the “right” thing for us to do is always the easiest.

It’s amazing how hormones can fog your brain.  The idea that I should figure out the hospital I want never even passed my mind.  How many of you had issues finding a doctor once you realized you were pregnant?

But back to the morning sickness thing.  I feel that it could be an indication of many things, but the most preferable explanation could be that on average, I was having very irregular 38 day cycles.  One cycle in the past 8-months was 25 days and another was 48!  Because of this I didn’t test until day 43 (last Friday), and because of this, my little embryo might not be “old enough” to be producing enough hormones to make me sick.  Perhaps I’m only on week 5?  Another reason I might not be experiencing it, perhaps pregnancy just agrees with me.  My husband told me that maybe my body is so used to messed up hormones, that it doesn’t seem abnormal to me.  LOL.  Thanks hun.  Or we might be expecting a little energetic boy!  Thursday will tell us that this pregnancy is healthy, and I am a worry-wart!

No Pregnancy Morning Sickness

Not Me.


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Week 6, Day 5

Last night, I bought a journal to start writing to my baby.  I plan on allowing anyone who also wants to write in it include something as well.  I especially want to make sure that great grandparents, grandparents and aunts and uncles have something included.  I was thinking it would be fun to write something on the day the baby is born, as well for each birthday and major life event.  I plan on giving them the journal as they graduate from High School.

Today I went shopping with my sister.  Of course, I had to go to Baby Gap.  They have so many adorable outfits, we kept squealing that we wished we knew the gender.  But unfortunately that wont be for a  few more months.  However, I couldn’t help but pick up a few gender neutral basics.

First baby clothes

First baby clothes

Since we are in our nursery, let me give you a quick little tour.

Baby Dresser

Baby Dresser

Here is the dresser purchased by Nona a few months back.  We were shopping at a consignment store, and found this lovely set that included a crib that would turn into a full size bed eventually.  They are very high end, but because they had been floor models, they are in perfect shape at a reduced amount.  The crib itself is in perfect condition, and does not have a drop-side (which is banned).  The crib is also not put together quite yet.

Nursery Crib

Nursery Crib

The light will be replaced with a chandelier, and the wall behind the crib will be distressed white barn wood paneling.  As you can see, we haven’t even replaced electrical sockets after we painted this room Owl Gray.

My theme is an Enchanted Forest.  Think white distressed wood, gray, dark chocolate.  Fur and crystals.  Cinderella in the forest. I wanted something neutral but a little feminine, since I will be spending so much time in this tiny, cozy room.

Tiny Baby Closet

Tiny Baby Closet

The closet is tiny, and needs curtain rods for all the little clothes.  But since this is just the nursery (my husbands future office), I didn’t think it was a big deal the closet is small.  I also have an armoire in the room to provide more closet space.  Currently, it is housing my Barbie collection ;D.  I will probably paint it a distressed white.

Baby DIY Armiore

Baby DIY Armiore

furry rugs

furry rugs

I just threw down these rugs, but I need to rearrange them.  But you can see the direction I am headed.  Of course, these are faux.

How many of you had your nursery at least started months before you became pregnant?



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Week 6, Day 4

Weekly Pregnancy Chalkboard

Weekly Pregnancy Chalkboard


Skirt and Top from Nordstrom Rack.  Belt from H&M.


Cheap mirror from Target spray painted with gold and chalkboard paint.


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Week 6, Day 3

I woke up this morning, making sure I was still pregnant by checking my tests.  Did you know, they don’t last forever?  😉  I was a little disappointed, but realized my pregnancy is not in that little plastic test. Nope… 😉



I’m already feeling curvier, and I went to the gym this morning, knowing that if I feel well enough to go, I should.  I wore a very supportive sports bra and a tight top, and the duo made jogging so much easier.  I’m still waiting for morning sickness and cravings (hopefully not together) but I still feel fantastic.

How to tell your dog you're pregnant

How to tell your dog you’re pregnant

I really wish our pups understood that their lives are about to dramatically change.  Perhaps Dexter knows now…since it looks like he read what was on the stick.

Pregnancy Bloat

Pregnancy Bloat

First “Bump” pic :).  Of course, I’m not showing quite yet.  Nope…that’s just bloat.    It looks like I had a large mexican dinner lol!! I’m hoping some probiotics help.  We’ll see.  Since it’s Labor Day Weekend, I will have to wait until Tuesday to make a doctor’s appointment.

Pregnancy Bloat

Pregnancy Bloat

While out shopping with my sister, we found that a maternity store had a baby bump to try out.  Of course I had to!!

Fake Baby Bump

Fake Baby Bump

A sneak peek of my future!!

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I’m Pregnant!!

My husband and I started trying to conceive (TTC – for all you in the “know”) since October of last year.  Every month lead to the two weeks of waiting.  Hoping.  And then resulting in a huge, painful let down.  This last month, I decided to stop trying.  Stop worrying about it, and maybe even start thinking about the fact that I would be okay if it didn’t happen.  That there are so many children out there that need loving parents, and perhaps that was the path that we were being lead to.

But this past week…I noticed that I had gained two pounds, despite the fact that my workout schedule and eating style hadn’t changed.  My breasts **HURT** when I ran on the treadmill.  Like painful dude.  Imagine this:  me running, arms pressed up against each breast, to minimize the wiggle and hopefully the pain.  Dedication I tell you.  And then, a bit of TMI, but you ARE reading this aren’t you?  You have to admit thats what you are looking for ;), I noticed a lot of white milky discharge.  Which, when you google it, is a pregnancy indication.  I pushed the idea straight out of my head.  There is no way I’m pregant…I just made up these symptoms just as I did every month for the last 9 months.

After work today, I went home.  I have a stock of pregnancy tests, and thought…why not?  Just take one, and then you will know you’re not pregnant.  I peed on the stick, knowing the answer.  Telling myself it would be negative.  Preparing myself for the inevitable.  I left it on the floor of the bathroom, and went down for a snack.  I walked up the stairs, my feet heavy, knowing that I was in for another disappointment.  Oh, how I dreaded looking at that answer box.

I bent over to read it…

pregnancy test

pregnancy test

First thought through my mind?  All I can say is white noise.  I’m crying.  I’m shaking.  I can’t believe it.  My husband is out of town.   I call him and he doesn’t answer.  I leave a message.  Choking the words “call me” out of my throat. My parents aren’t answering their phones.  My sister is at work.  I do what every sane person does…I drive to my parents house, dialing every important number, and leaving messages to call me on their phones.

When I finally get ahold of my mother, I tell her of the great news.  She is in the middle of the mall…but it doesn’t stop the tears from flowing…right there, in the middle of a store.  She is going to be a Nona, and she can’t wait.

I tell my sister, who screams.  Now I’m starting to think everyone else is more excited than I.  No…that’s not possible.  My excitement is just mixed with worry as well.  I’m starting to think I didn’t read it right.  I pulled the test out of my purse (yes…of course I brought it with me!) and doubled checked.  Yep.  Still knocked up 🙂

I give my father a card (after sending my sister on a stealth mission) to announce my fantastic news.  My father cries…a little.  😉

My neighbors (who are pretty much family) are ecstatic!

I take four more tests…just to ensure it wasn’t a fluke.  It wasn’t.

I’m pregnant….even now as I write this I’m still in utter disbelief.  But now I can blame the little pouch I have going on, on the baby.

My mother created the best baby bouquet for me with the other four tests I took while I was at their house.

pregnancy bouquet

pregnancy bouquet

Google calculated due date?  April 25, 2013 🙂  I’m 6 weeks along.

How many people know?  Too many to count.  How many of you felt that you shared your fantastic news a little too soon as well?  When do you think the best time to tell the world is?  I’m thinking of posting an announcement via Facebook, and letting my coworkers know at the three month mark.  What is that?  About week 12?  What is your take on the proper time to announce your pregnancy?


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