A Portrait of a Pregnancy

My personal journey building our family.

Week 10!

How far along? 10 weeks, 4 days
Total weight gain: up 1.8 lbs
Maternity clothes? not quite yet…but have worn some maternity leggings and tee-shirts that are too comfy!
Stretch marks? nope
Sleep: haven’t been able to sleep very soundly, every little thing wakes me up, which is very unusual (I have been known to sleep through earthquakes).  Trying to focus on sleeping on the left side…which happens to be the most comfortable right now anyways.
Best moment this week: my dream last night of seeing my baby’s foot impression pushing out of my stomach…my baby was born running around with cute little teeth!
Miss Anything? not being able to have a glass of champagne for the New Year’s toast.
Movement: none
Food cravings: sweets, fruit…damn I really want a doughnut
Anything making you queasy or sick: chocolate, aged cheese
Gender: unknown.  my gut tells me its a girl
Labor Signs: none
Symptoms: slight headaches, nauseous pretty much all the time, if I’m not nauseous, starving, constipation, **gas**, sore breasts, bloated
Belly Button in or out? in
Wedding rings on or off?  on
Happy or Moody most of the time: a little weapy, but not as much of a bitch as I normally am…okay, Husband would disagree 😉
Looking forward to: the 12 week ultrasound
Common things experienced from the What to Expect book: feeling that there isn’t a baby “in there”
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Baby Limbo

Its been 19 days since I got that positive pregnancy test.  So far all who know are my husband, sister and doctors. I am quite the lush, and people have noticed I have been laying off the alcohol.  I have made excuses that it affects my writing (I have been participating in NaNoWriMo, which gave my mind a great escape from this baby limbo thing), and that I am trying to lose weight.  I have been dying to tell my mother, now especially because my hCG numbers are actually looking fantastic.  The doctor had me follow them for two weeks because of my recent miscarriage.  I couldn’t tell you where I am in my pregnancy, but my numbers have been:

11/13     – 43.2

11/15      – 100

11/17      – 332.3

11/19      –  1,079

11/21      –  2,623

11/24     –  7,074

11/26    – 12,000+

We stopped testing progesterone after the second test, because it varies so wildly and was giving me anxiety…it never dipped below the golden threshold that is considered good.

Tomorrow is the first ultrasound…there should be a heartbeat.  Once there is, maybe then I will believe this is actually happening.  Anyone else also find it hard to believe when you got pregnant so quickly after a miscarriage?  When did you get to feel that excitement you had when you were pregnant the first time?



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A Very Nervous Time…

Last Saturday night, after perhaps a little too much fun with my husband, I found myself curled up in a ball, my uterus contracting painfully.  At least I thought it was my uterus.  Shooting pain pulsed through my body, as I panted through each kick in my gut.  I did what every normal woman does when she has unusual pains.  I went to bed.

Sunday, I was so sore I could barely walk.  Monday was a little better…enough to go to work.  Tuesday I had a standing appointment with my endocrinologist.  It was an initial meeting, to establish a baseline for my thyroid.  During her examination she pressed on my abdomen and became nervous that I might be suffering from appendicitis.

Taking her suggestion, I took myself to the ER.  After several hours of tests and ultrasounds  I found out I wasn’t pregnant and I had a ruptured right ovarian cyst.  No appendicitis   I was thrilled I wouldn’t have to have emergency surgery.

Fast forward a week, and I had a nagging thought.  A very random thought really generated by just very nuanced changes to my CM and my emotions.  Something told me to take another pregnancy test.  So I did, expecting nothing.  Wanting horribly for something, but expecting nothing.

It had been 51 days since my miscarriage, no period yet.

To my tempered surprise there was two pink lines.  One was very very faint.  I didn’t believe it.  I know that some cervical cysts cause positive pregnancy tests.  I took another digital version, so the answer would be clearer.

Yes it was very clear.  I’m pregnant again.  Tears of relief and excitement and terror of loosing this baby rocked me.

I called my doctor today.  I do have a standing OB appointment to follow up with the ovarian cyst on Thursday, but I couldn’t wait until then.  My nurse ordered my blood work.  25 Progesterone (MUCH higher than it ever was with the bo) and 45 HCG….  meaning I just conceived.  How I wished I wasn’t so in tune with my body.  The nurse said examining the ultrasound they could tell it wasn’t the type of cyst that produces positive pregnancy tests.  🙂

How many of you got pregnant after your miscarriage before having another period?  When did you start to feel excited?  Truly excited?

Heres wishing for sticky baby dust!!


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Week 0

I had my third ultrasound on Friday.  My body was already telling me what to expect, but I didn’t want to listen.  No, does anyone really want to know the awful truth?  In the movies, the heroine comes out of the bathroom with a positive pregnancy test, and glows as her stomach stretches to make room for the life growing inside of her.  Its always a historical drama when a woman wakes up covered in blood.  But my breasts were no longer as tender as they used to be.  And yes, I saw a  little bit of pinkish discharge.  I just didn’t feel “pregnant” anymore.  But I tried to be optimistic.  I tried praying, even though I’m not religious.  But it didn’t help.  It didn’t change the outcome that I knew would come from the moment I met with the doctor three weeks ago.

There had been no progression.  Not only that,  it was still 7mm.

You know, if we hadn’t had that ultrasound 10-days before, it would have been a harder choice.  If we saw ANY growth at all…we would have waited for a miracle.  Or at least a “natural” miscarriage.  But nothing.  Nothing for ten days.  I cried in the exam room.  And I cried as my husband drove me to my parents house.  And I cried as I drank a bottle of wine.

I cried at 2am when I woke up with a hangover, hungry.  My husband and I drove to a 24-hour diner in Seattle and gorged on butter laden hash-browns and jalapeno heavy breakfast burritos.  It was a memorable night, and I ended up falling in love with my husband more.  It was one of those moments of sadness that we knew would happen the day we said our vows.  I knew then, however, that we are in this together.

The next day  at 1:30 I took the misoprostol.  Inserting those four pills was like an act of deliberation.  It felt so wrong to be “undoing” something that I wanted so very badly.  I had to remind myself that I am lucky.  That there is no baby at all.  Just a jumbled mess of tissue.  There are women out there who have suffered much, much worse.  And my heart truly goes out to them.  I took a shower and dressed myself in the most comfortable clothes I could, and attached the WORLDS largest pad into my underwear.  I was ready.

The camps started slowly a few hours later.  Much too slowly in fact.  I was terrified it wasn’t going to work, and I would be stuck getting a D&C, which I wanted to avoid at all cost.  Finally I saw a little spotting.  “Good” I thought to myself, “its working.”  I thought I would be okay with the ibuprofen.  And I was.  Until around 10pm.

10pm…I could feel the blood pour out of me.  Sitting on the toilet was the only real relief, as it allowed the tissue to wash out of me.  But it was lonely in the hollow quiet of the bathroom, and I would soon be curled up on the couch with my husband and a heating pad.  {Oh heating pad…  I should write an ode to you.}  Curled up was the only position I could take, as I had to walk hunched over to ease the contractions.  I took that Vicodin I thought I wouldn’t need, and slowly I drifted off to sleep watching the Weekly Update on SNL.

I woke up once in the middle of the night, and went to the bathroom.  There the final, largest piece of tissue, was expelled.  And instantly, the wave of contractions was over.  It was a wash of relief over my body.  I was giggly with happiness, I felt so good…and I felt so empty.  Something was missing.  Even now as I write this, a full 24 hours later, I still have cramps…and that awful empty feeling — its still here.

Now we are back at square one, but this time with broken hearts.  We will try again soon, and this time, we wont call her Maybe…she will be Definitely.


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Week 5, Day 3 (+/- 12 days)

I had the ultrasound today.  The holding 3-8oz glasses of water thing was PAINFUL.  My technician told me I can ignore the front desk when they tell me to drink that much.  She told me, usually women are lying when they said their bladders are full.  She was like…WOW.  Maybe it has to do with the fact that I’m pregnant?!  Anyways.

The sac grew!  Still doesn’t mean anything.  But it can mean everything.  I’m very excited to see there is progression.  There is still only a sac, and no embryo to be seen.  So, we aren’t in the clear quite yet.  It is measuring out to be 7mm.  I found online a formula to use to calculate age of the pregnancy.  Because the sac will grow at a rate of 1mm per day after 4 weeks gestation.  4 weeks plus 7 days = 5 weeks.  Well, my technician told me 5 weeks 3 days, plus or minus 12 days.  Whatever.

Of course everywhere online they are telling me to avoid the temptation of reading into any of this.  Enjoy the fact I am NOT bleeding or having any kind of scary pain.  Enjoy that I am in fact pregnant and everything is on autopilot.  All there is for me to do is wait.  I’m beginning to realize that technology isn’t nearly as advanced as I thought it would be.  Doctors don’t know ANYTHING specific to individuals, and base everything off of statistics and previous experience.  This is good and all, but not when it comes to ME.  Or YOU.  Every woman’s body is entirely different.  Starting with cycle length and ending with hormone levels.  Trying to fit into “normal” is trying to fit  each delicately designed woman into a box.  It’s really not fair, even if it is necessary.

I am really trying to stay positive throughout this experience, believing that whatever happens is supposed to happen.  Less stress on the baby will lead to a happier, healthier baby as well.



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Week 7, Day Three

Today was the first time I had to go wine (water) tasting while knocked up.  It was actually a lot of fun, not feeling queasy the next morning.  Not trying to remember what happened/what I said the previous night.  I can’t say that I can complain.  Although the wine that we were picking up (we belong to the winery)had an AMAZING nose on it.

Still no word about the baby… patience its only Sunday.


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Week 7, Day four

Third blood draw.  The waiting is complete agony.  My results came back from Thursday and Saturday’s draw, and the doctor isn’t happy with the hCG progression (not increasing 50-60%).  Though I am reading that it can take three days to increase that much after you are past the 1,200 mark, which I am.

Here are my numbers for reference:

Progesterone: 18.70 ng/mL (falls into 1st trimester range of 6.57-40.3)

Thursday: 2413.8 mIU/mL

Saturday: 3106.8 mIU/mL

Increased by 693 mL or 29%

The numbers fall in the “normal range” for a week 5 pregnancy.  And the sac seen last week was estimated to be a week 4 pregnancy.  They want to schedule me an ultrasound for tomorrow.  I first hung up on the nurse, because I just didn’t want to deal with it.  Ha!  She mentioned it might be a slow progressing pregnancy, based on my very long cycle, or it could be a …duh duh duh… blighted ovum.  There.Is.THAT.word again!  How can you just THROW it around?  Especially around a pregnant woman.  Not.Cool.Doc.  Not Cool.

Looks like the ultrasound is tomorrow.  I get to see my sac again!  I’m excited for that.  I have also been told to drink 3 8oz glasses of water and hold it before I go in.  OH god.  I believe I went to the restroom yesterday about every 30-45 mins.  Tomorrow is going to suck.

Oh!  Also, I am rH negative.  Looks like I got a shot in my future.  🙂


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Week 7, Day 2

I got my second blood draw today.  After talking with the technician, it seems I will be able to get some answers, even if tentative ones, on Monday.  She told me to feel free to call the doctors office at any time.  And if I wanted, I could pick up my test results from the lab as well.  I’m thrilled!  Last night I went to the Macy’s sale, and picked up a few Maternity tops.  I got two which almost fit now…but make me look pregnant.  They are quarter length sleeve tees with rouched sides.  I also got a pretty white blouse and a nautical blue striped blouse.  I can’t wait to wear them!    Sure I’m being a little optimistic and shopping a little early, but I have to think that way for my mental health.  I just have a feeling its going to be great news next week, and I’m very excited that I get to have my DH home with me when I hear it.

I feel like he was a little cheated because he wasn’t home to witness the first pregnancy test.  He does admit that it is difficult to think of the baby as a NOW thing, because he can’t feel it, can’t see it, whereas I can.  I suppose that is the special bond a mother has with her child, that is irreplaceable.  Though, that isn’t to say that my DH won’t have a special bond with our child.  He will. It’s just different.  It just doesn’t start now.  Once this baby starts to kick, he will feel differently.


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Week 7, Day 1

I’m not entirely sure if I should continue on counting based on LMP date or gestational date.  Since I’m not positive of gestational date, yet, I am just going to keep up with the LMP dating system for now.  The positive thing is I get to make this pregnancy last longer.  And I was worried that it would pass way too quickly!

This morning while I was getting dressed, I grabbed my hot pink jeans and a black tee-shirt.  Pulling my shirt over my head, I was humored when it came down to my knees.  Instead of grabbing a shirt, I grabbed a dress.  Did I change?  Nope.  I just put on a pair of 5 inch platforms that matched and rocked it.  LOL.

Got to love mommy brain ❤


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Week 7

Today was my first OB appointment.  I was elated and dreading it a little.  I always get nauseous at the doctor’s office.  It has something to do with the sterile smells and the poor lighting and the disgusting bodily fluid talks.  I must confess, I hoped it would make me nauseous.  However, this hospital is brand spanking new (so new it doesn’t yet even have a blood lab…boo!), and I didn’t at all feel uncomfortable or feel like I was diseased or something.  First things first, they wanted my weight, the bastards.  Couldn’t they have weighed me…um 7 weeks ago??  It was certainly a shock to step on the scale and see that I gained 4 pounds since I got pregnant.  “Really?!” I can hear you asking.  Before you roll your eyes at me, my doctor confirmed my suspicions.  I might only be 4-5 weeks pregnant, because of my irregular periods.  It seems that pregnancy tests really are in fact pretty accurate, even when barely pregnant, which it seems that I am.  Let me remind you, I was on day 43 of my cycle when I tested…and I was probably JUST at the implantation stage.  Yay Thyroid disorders!!

I took my husband along as my security blanket.  I knew what to expect of course, the usual pelvic exam, a transvaginal ultrasound, etc.  My poor husband.  (Granted, that’s what you get when you decide you don’t care enough to research the condition your wife is currently in (bad hormones! bad!).)  Anyways.  I got to wear a cute little paper top and a paper sheet over my lap.  I warned him to move more to the side of me LOL.  The benefit of this though was to welcome him behind the curtain of this pregnancy, since we are in this together.  But also, my husband got to see the sac in the ultrasound, if not much of anything else.  It looked a little like this:

Early Pregnancy Ultrasound

Early Pregnancy Ultrasound

A little disappointed doesn’t really describe it.  Where are the fingers and the outline of the spine??  Where is my little blueberry?!  I have already read to seven weeks in my What to Expect book and on the internet…and now going back to Week 4/5, there isn’t much there in terms of a baby.  My doctor wants to monitor my blood for HCG increases, and for progesterone levels.  (Funny.  That’s why I wanted to get into the doctor before “week 8”.)  Of course, I can’t help but think worst case scenario.  Blighted ovum.  She told me there is in fact a 25% risk of miscarriage right now.  She was being honest, and says she sees it all the time.  I know that most women will wait a could of months, and boom they are pregnant again with a very healthy pregnancy.  She also said that also might not be the case, and I just am in fact not that far along, and am perfectly normal.  Only the blood work will tell.  Ultimately, I know that either way we will be fine.  I am pregnant and I am capable of becoming pregnant and that is fantastic.  But now, my pregnancy feels like it has a bit of a raincloud hanging over it.

According to a little more online research once  I got home, I am more comfortable saying that I am probably just only 4 weeks along (conceiving on August 9th), rather than something horrible.  I am trying to be positive and tell myself that everything is fine, I’m just a little earlier in my pregnancy than I thought.

I have two more draws, one on Saturday, and the next on Monday.  I hope that means I hear good news on Tuesday.  Meanwhile, what am I to think?  How many of you have had this happen?  How on earth do you get your mind off of it so you can focus on work, and the rest of your life?


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