A Portrait of a Pregnancy

My personal journey building our family.

37 Weeks

on July 8, 2017

Yes…this dog is wearing sunglasses in Downtown Camas at the First Friday Event, “Dog Days of Summer.”


Bella got to go on our Friday outing…she was very well behaved! Dad is keeping it together like a champ while little one losses her shit over her ice cream having the audacity of melting in the 90 degree heat.


….aaaannnnd we’re good.


This was about an hour after the ice cream fiasco…sweet girl. She had such a long day.

How far along? 37 weeks
Total weight gain: 38 lbs — I’m working out nearly daily on the elliptical and I feel really good…so I’m not concerned.
Maternity clothes? Day dreaming about packing them all up and taking them to the consignment shop.
Stretch marks? Yes, quite a few actually and a very faint line of nigera.  I’m a tiger! Grr.
Sleep:I had an appointment to meet with a surgeon today and was evidently a little nervous about it, so I slept like total crap last night.  I didn’t fall asleep until around 2am, and woke up at 5:30am…trying to force myself to go back to sleep, and then I gave up and went downstairs for my workout around 6:30am.
Best moment this week: Watching Aria do her tumbling class at the Parks and Recs center was truly so enjoyable.  She was so excited to get out there and walk on the balance beams and be “rolly polly.”
Miss Anything? I’m already feeling nostalgic about this pregnancy.  I’m trying to come to terms with the thought that this will be our last baby.  The pro’s of stopping at this point outweigh the cons, but I’m not entirely sure I’m 100% ready to make that a permanent reality.
Movement: His movements are getting more uncomfortable, and can be quite dramatic.  He doesn’t prefer to sleep at night, and likes to keep mommy awake wiggling around and making it difficult to find a comfortable position in order to sleep.
Food cravings: not really actually
Anything making you queasy or sick: Taking my prilosec still and feeling pretty good.
Gender: Boy
Labor Signs: Braxton Hicks, energy increases
Symptoms: Nesting
Belly Button in or out? Still out for a while
Wedding rings on or off?  its still on!!
Emotions: moody and irritable or calm — no in between
Looking forward to: Apparently my surgeon does c-sections during the 39th week…so I have at most 20 days left to be pregnant for the rest of my life.

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