A Portrait of a Pregnancy

My personal journey building our family.

36 Weeks

on July 2, 2017

Driving back home from Nonna and Uno’s (don’t worry we were in the driveway)


Baby August’s hospital wardrobe!


Happy 4th! (I seriously hate this holiday…its much too hot and loud!)


Aria’s learning to take pictures while I’m reading up on How to Talk so Kids will Listen and How to Listen so Kids Will Talk.


Me and my goofball having a grand time at the cafe


My life at this point…


Aria’s drawing of mommy with Baby August in my tummy.

How far along? 36 weeks
Total weight gain: 35 lbs…I weighed less at this appointment than at my previous one, which tells me that the scale was mis-calibrated (the nurse confirmed).  So annoying, but whatever.
Maternity clothes? Really looking forward to wearing my nursing clothes…and selling all my maternity clothing at the local consignment shop.
Stretch marks? That light brown line of nigera is ever darkening, but I feel like it wont ever be as dark as it was with Aria for whatever reason.  I have some crazy tiger stripes happening, and I couldn’t be prouder.
Sleep: I can’t stay asleep, and I’m trying to avoid sleep aids which make me SUPER groggy the next day…though it seems I’m at that point where that is entirely unavoidable.  I went to sleep last night around 1:30 and woke up around 6, bright eyed and bushy tailed, so I sneaked downstairs (because Aria sleeps next to me), and did a nice workout.  By the time the family was up and we had breakfast, my body was like “okay nap time.”  Brian had wanted a family outing but getting me off the couch proved to be mission impossible, so he took Aria into the city for doughnuts and the jazz music festival and I got to stay here and crash on the sofa indulging on Great British Bake Off and dreaming of the energy to get into the kitchen to bake.
Best moment this week: It’s been a good week and I can’t really think of anything that stands out, but I did start packing my hospital bag and thats been really fun, and makes me feel like I’m in control of my life just a bit.  Also, Freshly Picked came out with a kickstarter for a diaper bag and I backed it, so I’m excited to get my gorgeous new diaper bag sometime this fall!!
Miss Anything? I feel like the name of the game for my first pregnancy was deprivation, and I always felt like I was missing out on something.  This time around if I want it, I allow myself to have it (within reason).  So, I don’t feel deprived of anything.  Perhaps I miss getting out of bed without my back hurting, or feeling like an upside down turtle.  The nice part of being pregnant for the second time is that I don’t feel so fragile.  I was so afraid of hurting baby even getting out of bed “wrong” — like I could detach the placenta or whatever, but this time around, I’m not so worried about that, so that’s definitely a blessing.
Movement: He moves a lot now, which I feel is telling us that he’s running out of room.  Sometimes his movements are so uncomfortable they knock the wind out of me, and I have to stop whatever I’m doing to just breathe.  Apparently though hes NO WHERE CLOSE to wanting to leave, his head is still super high and my cervix is sealed shut.
Food cravings: tofu bbq and arnold palmers
Anything making you queasy or sick: As long as I take my prilosec, I’m good.
Gender: Boy
Labor Signs: Just a few braxton hicks every now and then, plus a little pelvic pressure
Symptoms: nesting and cleaning constantly, irritable, fatigue, lack of patience
Belly Button in or out? I think its out, but I cant see it because of how I’m carrying, so I dont care lol
Wedding rings on or off? Its on, but is hard to remove when I get all swollen
Emotions: I like to think I’ve been pretty chill…especially because husband has been picking up the house and we got a house cleaner to come by to help out as well.
Looking forward to: holding our little boy

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