A Portrait of a Pregnancy

My personal journey building our family.

35 Weeks

on June 29, 2017



Pre-Show Jitters and Makeup from Auntie Kiki



Love this girl


My feet are so swollen…



Taking the pups out for a walk


Daddy and Aria swinging


My shower cake!


which is bigger?


The adorable big sister!!


Aria’s Dougal cake!



I didn’t get many pictures from the shower.



Aria and friends were making a “princess bed”


My little helpers


Aria and crew enjoying her cake


My lovely 35 week bump


Happy 20th Anniversary Harry Potter!!


Daddy met a wizard while he was in New York City and she sent a baby owl to Aria using Owl Express.


Aria “maded” daddy a rainbow — she’s excited he’s home.

How far along? 35 weeks

Total weight gain: still enjoying the every other week appointments, and our Aria scale seems like it has bit the dust, so we will see at our next appointment.
Maternity clothes? Growing out of them so fast, but I got to wear my blue Asos maternity dress for my baby shower and felt adorable.
Stretch marks? Yep…and I also have this amazingly huge ass vein on the underside of my belly.
Sleep: I’ve been waking up quite a bit, about 3-4 times a night to pee. 😦
Best moment this week: My baby shower!  It was a lot of fun, if not super warm.  My feet turned into round balls — no joke.  I literally had no ankles and nothing defining my toes. It was nice to be surrounded by so many friends and family who are just as excited for us as we are.
Miss Anything? No way am I going to wish I was pre-pregnancy, but I’m getting a little antsy for it to be over…just a little.
Movement: There is movement every day, especially in response to Aria talking.  He also headbutts my cervix quite often, which is extremely painful and knocks the wind out of me.
Food cravings: arnold palmers and peanut butter
Anything making you queasy or sick: The Zyrtec wasn’t working very well, so I was prescribed Prilosec.  I forgot to take it yesterday and suffered all day and all night.  I took it this morning, and still needed tums to feel a little better.  I wont make that mistake again!
Gender: Boy
Labor Signs: Just a few braxton hicks every now and then.  I’m getting convinced that he’s going to want to enter the world earlier than I anticipate.
Symptoms: Nesting a lot…I’m running out of things to organize, but I have a few drawers — I just need to make a run to Homegoods to get some organizers.
Belly Button in or out? Still out
Wedding rings on or off?  Its still on — it only gets stuck when its super hot outside and I don’t stay in my air conditioned house.
Emotions: Weepy and grumpy
Looking forward to: Brian not traveling anymore >{

look at that vein!

US 1US 2

US 3

ugh so adorable!!


The adorable big sister!!


which is bigger?

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