A Portrait of a Pregnancy

My personal journey building our family.

33 Weeks

on June 16, 2017

Feeling better at Urgent Care — and enjoying getting a check up


Trying to get comfy lol


This girl loves her daddy.


Our little bee keeper at preschool1


Bella enjoying the ranch.


Not a bad view.


This little girl is so snuggly!


Matching Daddy and Daughter hiking shoes!


Workin’ it!


Aria’s first round of putt putt golf!



A new river otter friend


Checking out the Lava Butte




How far along? 33 weeks
Total weight gain: hopefully not much since last week 😉
Maternity clothes? of course.  I’m kinda getting sick of them to be honest — and really getting excited to meet this little one.
Stretch marks? Still haven’t seen the line of nigra.  I guess women who have fair skin tend to not have this occur…but I had a very pronounced line with Aria.
Sleep: Still not sleeping all that well…waking up way too often during the night due to my squished bladder as well as little girls and their bad dreams.
Best moment this week: Brian is going to be gone for Father’s Day so we went to Bend, OR for a few days to celebrate.  We stayed at a Ranch about 15 minutes outside of town complete with horses, lamas, and chickens with our dogs.  It was a relaxing two days, and Brian got to go on his first hike with Aria, which I believe he thoroughly enjoyed.  He was pretty stoked she got her first pair of hiking shoes.
Miss Anything? Honestly, while I love being pregnant (these cravings are awesome and feeling this little one move is truly magical), its really hard gaining weight.  I’m grateful that Brian had the foresight to ensure we got the pictures done sooner in this pregnancy than later, as he remembers how miserable I was at the end of my last pregnancy.  The swelling has started, and honestly it isn’t a good look on me.  I suppose I miss looking “cute” in my own opinion.
Also, we had a scary event happen where Aria choked on a piece of hard candy.  She must have had an angel looking out for her, because it happened in the car when I was sitting next to her and not in the passenger seat, and we happened to stop just mere feet from a police officer.  I truly believe that Judy is her guardian angel, and I believe Judy leaves me feathers to let me know shes here.  My encounter with feathers have been unlike anything I’ve ever seen before her passing.  As the EMT  were checking Aria out, a green feather gently floated down onto my stomach.  Aria fortunately was okay, and we have outlawed hard candy permanently in the Kane household, but it was terrifying and I spent the entire day afterwards replaying the event, hearing my own voice screaming, “Help!!” as I frantically tried to dislodge the candy from my terrified little girl.  Its bizarre to go from something so terrifying to a family vacation just mere days later, but such is life.  While in Bend, Aria named her new stuffed river otter she got at a natural history museum “Feather” without me saying anything about Judy and feathers.  Needless to say, the connection runs deep, in my opinion.  I say it a lot in my mind, but thank you Judy for taking care of our little girl.  This wasn’t the first time where I know Judy was there for us, and I know it wont be the last.
Movement: He’s been pretty steady with his movement, and I’m able to go a kick count every day.  He certainly doesn’t move as much as his sister did, so I’m always looking out for his movement.
Food cravings: VINEGAR and veggie burgers and fresh fruit still
Anything making you queasy or sick: Only when I don’t take Zyrtec — I now have to take it twice a day to keep my meals down.
Gender: Boy
Labor Signs: Braxton hicks seem to occur every day.
Symptoms: nesting and cleaning constantly, irritable, back and hips hurt slightly, fatigue, lack of patience
Belly Button in or out? out lol…it looks like a nose!!
Wedding rings on or off?  its still on — but the swelling is making it fit a bit more snug.
Emotions: moody and irritable or calm — no in between
Looking forward to: my baby shower in one week!
Comment of the week: “You are 33 weeks already?! You look so good!”  Honestly people, if you want to make a pregnant lady walk on air, lie to her.  No seriously.  We look in the mirror and all we see are kankles, our breasts touching our stomach, our butt becoming wider and our thighs beginning to stick together, our faces breaking out and watching as we grow a couple of chins seemingly overnight — the VERY LAST THING we want to hear is “WOW!! Are you having TWINS??  You must be due SOOOOO SOON!  You look so swollen, you poor thing.”  No we want you to lie to us, and make us feel like we are the cutest, tiniest little pregnant lady you have ever seen.  Help us by drowning out that negative voice in our heads that battles with our shear gratitude of carrying this precious life inside of us.  BE OUR FUCKING VILLAGE OKAY?!

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