A Portrait of a Pregnancy

My personal journey building our family.

31 Weeks

on May 27, 2017

Pretending she doesn’t know how to wear her ballet leotard!


Queen Elsa from Disneyland came to visit — unfortunately, I don’t know where Aria was so she didn’t get to meet her!!


My cute girl waiting for her strawberry milkshake.


She didn’t like the milkshake…it had strawberries in it.


Nurse Aria


How we keep ourselves entertained while we are shopping — pretending to be maniquins.


Look at that lovely baby bump!

How far along? 31 weeks
Total weight gain: once again, unknown
Maternity clothes? I‘m sure I could try wearing something that wasn’t, but at this point it would just be comical.  I feel like I wore tighter clothing the first time around.  I wanted to show off my bump, and was really proud of it.  Its not that I’m not this time around, its just that I realized today that I have been holding my breath, and I know I wont be able to breathe until I have my little guy in my arms.  I feel so vulgar wearing something tight, that shows off my bump too much.  I feel like I’m tempting fate.  We went through so much to get to this point, and at some level, I just feel like it could be snatched so easily from my grasp.
Stretch marks? It looks like I might be getting some more near my belly button — as if anyone’s going to ever see those. LOL
Sleep: I’m only waking up a few times at night to go to the bathroom, and I don’t feel utterly exhausted — emotionally tired, yes.  But physically, I have the energy to do more than I thought I would be able to do.  B’s job takes him away from us for days at a time, and honestly its wearing on me.  I realize I’m not a single mother.  I don’t have to go to work on top of being a mother, so I won’t even compare the two, but it’s still freaking hard.
Best moment this week: B got home on Monday from Atlanta, so Aria got to have her daddy take her to school a few times, which she loved.  We also got our blinds delivered, and B is currently hanging them as I work on this blog.  I finally broke down and went to the chiropractor on Wednesday, and I have been feeling a little better actually.  My chiropractor taught me a stretch to help with the sciatica, and remarkably it works!
Miss Anything? I miss doing things independently.  I’m feeling a little more fragile the further along I get.
Movement: Yes, all the time, which is lovely (mostly).
Food cravings: VINEGAR and veggie burgers and fresh fruit
Anything making you queasy or sick: Only when I eat too much
Gender: Boy
Labor Signs: Just a few braxton hicks every now and then.
Symptoms: nesting and cleaning constantly, irritable, back and hips hurt slightly, fatigue, lack of patience
Belly Button in or out? out lol…it looks like a nose!!
Wedding rings on or off?  its still on!!
Emotions: moody and irritable or calm — no in between
Looking forward to: Camtown Youth Festival in the beginning of June and the beginning of the Farmers Market the first Wednesday of June.
Comment of the week: “When I was a baby I wished for a mommy with a voice gentle and kind, and my wish came true!!”

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