A Portrait of a Pregnancy

My personal journey building our family.

30 Weeks +3 Days

on May 22, 2017

A perfect night in with my feet kicked up and enjoying a drinking vinegar.


Loving on her daddy at Preschool Prom


Aria and a friend at Preschool Prom


Enjoying a dip in the neighbor’s blowup pool.


Making some brownies for a neighborhood get-together.


YUM drinking vinegar!


Playing at Preschool Prom!


My little Rainbow ❤


And we are spent…


The lovely kiddos at Preschool made this and…what can I say, I had to have it!!

How far along? 30 weeks 3 days
Total weight gain: 29 lbs (yikes! I had only gained 22.6 lbs at this point with Aria)
Maternity clothes? Not only am I solidly in maternity clothes, I am sizing out of my maternity clothes.  I’m excited that Old Navy is having a 50% off sale today, so I will be able to snag some shorts, since I don’t have much to wear at this point.
Stretch marks? Really this isn’t the most important thing is it?  I can’t say that I have any new ones…but I’m also not looking for them.
Sleep: My body hurts so much that sleep is pretty uncomfortable without Tylenol PM…but it makes me super groggy in the morning, so its a calculated trade-off.  The sun rises in our windows at 5:30 am (which should be getting some blackout shades one of these days).  This morning I was able to push through until 8:30 (and we were late to preschool as a consequence) and it was divine.
Best moment this week: We went to Preschool Prom! It was full of laughter, and crying, and emotional eating of cookies — just like real prom.  It was really cute.  They had a silent auction, and I found out today I won a heart string art the kiddos made as well as a necklace one of the mommies made (Aria’s friend Ralphie’s mom Wendy). On Sunday we went to dinner at the James’ with all the neighbors and Aria got a chance to run around in the sprinklers and turn the blow up pool into a mud pit.  It was one of those moments where I hope they were able to build some memories.  I also got back into my workouts, and have been using the elliptical every other day.  Its really made me feel better.
Miss Anything? Other than my waist line, I miss being able to stand up without feeling three times my age.  My back and hips hurt so much, its excruciating.
Movement: Baby boy is transverse, which I guess is common at this point, but it makes me feel movement all over the place.
Food cravings: VINEGAR
Anything making you queasy or sick: Only when I eat too much
Gender: Boy
Labor Signs: Just a few braxton hicks every now and then.
Symptoms: nesting and cleaning constantly, irritable, back and hips hurt, fatigue, lack of patience
Belly Button in or out? half in?
Wedding rings on or off?  on! I sized up when I got my new ring 😉  The heat has been kicking up and I’m starting to swell up, my ring still fits, but we will see what happens.
Emotions: moody and irritable or calm — no in between
Looking forward to: printing and displaying our maternity pictures.
Comment of the week: my nurse said I looked adorable and like I have a basketball shoved in my dress…which was flattering.

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