A Portrait of a Pregnancy

My personal journey building our family.

Baby Limbo

on November 30, 2012

Its been 19 days since I got that positive pregnancy test.  So far all who know are my husband, sister and doctors. I am quite the lush, and people have noticed I have been laying off the alcohol.  I have made excuses that it affects my writing (I have been participating in NaNoWriMo, which gave my mind a great escape from this baby limbo thing), and that I am trying to lose weight.  I have been dying to tell my mother, now especially because my hCG numbers are actually looking fantastic.  The doctor had me follow them for two weeks because of my recent miscarriage.  I couldn’t tell you where I am in my pregnancy, but my numbers have been:

11/13     – 43.2

11/15      – 100

11/17      – 332.3

11/19      –  1,079

11/21      –  2,623

11/24     –  7,074

11/26    – 12,000+

We stopped testing progesterone after the second test, because it varies so wildly and was giving me anxiety…it never dipped below the golden threshold that is considered good.

Tomorrow is the first ultrasound…there should be a heartbeat.  Once there is, maybe then I will believe this is actually happening.  Anyone else also find it hard to believe when you got pregnant so quickly after a miscarriage?  When did you get to feel that excitement you had when you were pregnant the first time?



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