A Portrait of a Pregnancy

My personal journey building our family.

A Very Nervous Time…

on November 14, 2012

Last Saturday night, after perhaps a little too much fun with my husband, I found myself curled up in a ball, my uterus contracting painfully.  At least I thought it was my uterus.  Shooting pain pulsed through my body, as I panted through each kick in my gut.  I did what every normal woman does when she has unusual pains.  I went to bed.

Sunday, I was so sore I could barely walk.  Monday was a little better…enough to go to work.  Tuesday I had a standing appointment with my endocrinologist.  It was an initial meeting, to establish a baseline for my thyroid.  During her examination she pressed on my abdomen and became nervous that I might be suffering from appendicitis.

Taking her suggestion, I took myself to the ER.  After several hours of tests and ultrasounds  I found out I wasn’t pregnant and I had a ruptured right ovarian cyst.  No appendicitis   I was thrilled I wouldn’t have to have emergency surgery.

Fast forward a week, and I had a nagging thought.  A very random thought really generated by just very nuanced changes to my CM and my emotions.  Something told me to take another pregnancy test.  So I did, expecting nothing.  Wanting horribly for something, but expecting nothing.

It had been 51 days since my miscarriage, no period yet.

To my tempered surprise there was two pink lines.  One was very very faint.  I didn’t believe it.  I know that some cervical cysts cause positive pregnancy tests.  I took another digital version, so the answer would be clearer.

Yes it was very clear.  I’m pregnant again.  Tears of relief and excitement and terror of loosing this baby rocked me.

I called my doctor today.  I do have a standing OB appointment to follow up with the ovarian cyst on Thursday, but I couldn’t wait until then.  My nurse ordered my blood work.  25 Progesterone (MUCH higher than it ever was with the bo) and 45 HCG….  meaning I just conceived.  How I wished I wasn’t so in tune with my body.  The nurse said examining the ultrasound they could tell it wasn’t the type of cyst that produces positive pregnancy tests.  🙂

How many of you got pregnant after your miscarriage before having another period?  When did you start to feel excited?  Truly excited?

Heres wishing for sticky baby dust!!


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