A Portrait of a Pregnancy

My personal journey building our family.

Week 7, Day four

on September 10, 2012

Third blood draw.  The waiting is complete agony.  My results came back from Thursday and Saturday’s draw, and the doctor isn’t happy with the hCG progression (not increasing 50-60%).  Though I am reading that it can take three days to increase that much after you are past the 1,200 mark, which I am.

Here are my numbers for reference:

Progesterone: 18.70 ng/mL (falls into 1st trimester range of 6.57-40.3)

Thursday: 2413.8 mIU/mL

Saturday: 3106.8 mIU/mL

Increased by 693 mL or 29%

The numbers fall in the “normal range” for a week 5 pregnancy.  And the sac seen last week was estimated to be a week 4 pregnancy.  They want to schedule me an ultrasound for tomorrow.  I first hung up on the nurse, because I just didn’t want to deal with it.  Ha!  She mentioned it might be a slow progressing pregnancy, based on my very long cycle, or it could be a …duh duh duh… blighted ovum.  There.Is.THAT.word again!  How can you just THROW it around?  Especially around a pregnant woman.  Not.Cool.Doc.  Not Cool.

Looks like the ultrasound is tomorrow.  I get to see my sac again!  I’m excited for that.  I have also been told to drink 3 8oz glasses of water and hold it before I go in.  OH god.  I believe I went to the restroom yesterday about every 30-45 mins.  Tomorrow is going to suck.

Oh!  Also, I am rH negative.  Looks like I got a shot in my future.  🙂


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