A Portrait of a Pregnancy

My personal journey building our family.

Week 6, Day 7

on September 5, 2012

Today I told my first co-worker.  Yes, yes, I wasn’t going to until I was done with this trimester.  But the baby brain made it so I had to give an explanation, if not an excuse.  You can only ask the same questions several times, before people begin to realize that you are being awfully forgetful.  Fortunately, I should be able to keep it quiet for a little while more.  For whatever reason, I’m just not ready to share my good news.  I have taken to wearing more flowy blouses, so that when I actually need the camouflage, it wont be seen as abnormal.

How long did you wait until you told your boss and co-workers?  Did you have any fears doing this, and were they realized?


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