A Portrait of a Pregnancy

My personal journey building our family.

I’m Pregnant!!

on August 31, 2012

My husband and I started trying to conceive (TTC – for all you in the “know”) since October of last year.  Every month lead to the two weeks of waiting.  Hoping.  And then resulting in a huge, painful let down.  This last month, I decided to stop trying.  Stop worrying about it, and maybe even start thinking about the fact that I would be okay if it didn’t happen.  That there are so many children out there that need loving parents, and perhaps that was the path that we were being lead to.

But this past week…I noticed that I had gained two pounds, despite the fact that my workout schedule and eating style hadn’t changed.  My breasts **HURT** when I ran on the treadmill.  Like painful dude.  Imagine this:  me running, arms pressed up against each breast, to minimize the wiggle and hopefully the pain.  Dedication I tell you.  And then, a bit of TMI, but you ARE reading this aren’t you?  You have to admit thats what you are looking for ;), I noticed a lot of white milky discharge.  Which, when you google it, is a pregnancy indication.  I pushed the idea straight out of my head.  There is no way I’m pregant…I just made up these symptoms just as I did every month for the last 9 months.

After work today, I went home.  I have a stock of pregnancy tests, and thought…why not?  Just take one, and then you will know you’re not pregnant.  I peed on the stick, knowing the answer.  Telling myself it would be negative.  Preparing myself for the inevitable.  I left it on the floor of the bathroom, and went down for a snack.  I walked up the stairs, my feet heavy, knowing that I was in for another disappointment.  Oh, how I dreaded looking at that answer box.

I bent over to read it…

pregnancy test

pregnancy test

First thought through my mind?  All I can say is white noise.  I’m crying.  I’m shaking.  I can’t believe it.  My husband is out of town.   I call him and he doesn’t answer.  I leave a message.  Choking the words “call me” out of my throat. My parents aren’t answering their phones.  My sister is at work.  I do what every sane person does…I drive to my parents house, dialing every important number, and leaving messages to call me on their phones.

When I finally get ahold of my mother, I tell her of the great news.  She is in the middle of the mall…but it doesn’t stop the tears from flowing…right there, in the middle of a store.  She is going to be a Nona, and she can’t wait.

I tell my sister, who screams.  Now I’m starting to think everyone else is more excited than I.  No…that’s not possible.  My excitement is just mixed with worry as well.  I’m starting to think I didn’t read it right.  I pulled the test out of my purse (yes…of course I brought it with me!) and doubled checked.  Yep.  Still knocked up 🙂

I give my father a card (after sending my sister on a stealth mission) to announce my fantastic news.  My father cries…a little.  😉

My neighbors (who are pretty much family) are ecstatic!

I take four more tests…just to ensure it wasn’t a fluke.  It wasn’t.

I’m pregnant….even now as I write this I’m still in utter disbelief.  But now I can blame the little pouch I have going on, on the baby.

My mother created the best baby bouquet for me with the other four tests I took while I was at their house.

pregnancy bouquet

pregnancy bouquet

Google calculated due date?  April 25, 2013 🙂  I’m 6 weeks along.

How many people know?  Too many to count.  How many of you felt that you shared your fantastic news a little too soon as well?  When do you think the best time to tell the world is?  I’m thinking of posting an announcement via Facebook, and letting my coworkers know at the three month mark.  What is that?  About week 12?  What is your take on the proper time to announce your pregnancy?


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